2022 Werriwa Volunteer Awards

Thank you for taking your time to nominate an individual or team for the 2022 Werriwa Volunteer Awards. Before you get started on the nomination form, please read the following information to ensure that you have all the necessary details to complete the form. 

As all certificates and awards will be printed as per the details supplied on the nomination form, please ensure that you double check the spelling of the nominee's name/team name/organisation etc. before submitting. Please also check the postal and email addresses, as all invitation will be sent directly.

All nominations must be completed and returned to our office by May 15.

Successful nominees and their nominators will be invited to a celebration morning tea, at a date to be confirmed.

1. Eligibility

All nominees must:

  • Reside in the Werriwa electorate; 
  • Have volunteered during the previous 12 months for a not-for-profit organisation, community or sporting group, or other entity which engages volunteers in a safe and legal manner such as schools or government agencies, sporting clubs or charities, 
  • Have given their time willingly and without financial gain,
  • Be nominated for one award category only (see Award Categories),
  • Not have previously received a Werriwa Volunteer Award in the last 2 years.

(Note: Volunteers/Volunteer Managers are not permitted to nominate themselves.)

2. Award Categories

  • Team: Teams must be made up of more than one individual and be from a registered not-for-profit organisation.
  • Individual: Must be aged 12 years and over.

3. Nominee's Permission

All nominator's must have permission from the person or team they are nominating to disclose their personal information as part of their nomination in the 2022 Werriwa Volunteer Awards. For privacy purposes, the nominee is required to understand and be aware that as a result of this nomination, their name and image may be used publicly by our office to promote the event.

All details must be completed. Please ensure all spelling and details are correct.